An approach to identify web page elements on-the-fly.
MOM takes five words: Verb, Name, Class, Verify, Data
Natural Language Processing converts "Plain English" to executable automation code.
Check out a sample video showcasing testRigor with an implementation of the
You can try the Magic Object Model and the Natural Language Processing Engine as a published Add-In at TestProject.io
You can also see a Natural Language Processing Engine at work at https://testrigor.com/
Is there something you would like to see MOM do?
Do you have a challenging website?
Found a bug?
Send feedback to TheDarkArtsWizard@gmail.com
Dark Arts Wizardry of Test Automation
7 Westminster Bridge, Vauxhall Cross Station, London
Welcome to the CandyMapper Automation Sandbox Challenge:
A) Click the 'x' to close this popup
B) Populate the Contact Us field below
C) Verify any success massage
D) Run the test on Candymapper.Net
Found a misspelled word? There are 11 more "issues" and 8 Horror Movie references.
Happy hunting!